

Developed in multiple phases, the New Port will comprise three container terminals with an eventual combined annual capacity more than six million containers. The 19 billion Qatari Riyal project will not only cater to the expected growth in container traffic, but also accommodate:
• general cargo traffic     • vehicle imports     • livestock imports     • bulk grain imports
• offshore support vessels     • coast guard vessels, and     • a marine support unit.

A preliminary hydraulic analysis was carried out for Fire Water etwork- CP13, New Port Project. The Project comprises of pump station and connected Fire water network. This document provides the detailed description of fluid parameter variations for the Fire water network. Hydraulic analysis is carried out to identify the variation in pressure distribution due to frictional losses and head losses as the fluid flows through the pipe. The objective of this analysis is to establish the base level of Hydraulic analysis to be undertaken for New Port Project. This outlines the primary working methods, design considerations, documentation, and guidelines associated with the required analysis.
The objectives of this Hydraulic analysis are as follows: 1. To study the pressure distribution at all salient points inside the pipe.
2. To check pressure loss at all junctions and pipes.
3. To calculate the total pressure losses and loss coefficients for pipes, fittings and valves
4. To verify whether pipe sizes, material properties and pipe routing are acceptable based on pressure distribution


  • Introduction
  • Operation philosophy of Surge analysis
  • Summary of Input considered
  • Schematic drawing of the system
  • Transient Cases defined for the analysis
  • Summary of Output results
  • Discussions and recommendations
  • Graphical representation of results
  • Input and Output results generated from Software