Those who seeks Professional Specialist Engineering Services for Plant Design, IIPED would be the best choice with quality deliverable and most competitive price. We uphold Customer satisfaction as the Success key for any Business and we always try to maintain throughout.
To be an internationally respected engineering consultant which offers comprehensive solutions.
Provide technically excellent and innovative solutions, for adding value for all stakeholders, and operate globally as professional consulting engineers.
Civil Engineering refers to the design of Structural frames and foundation for the Plant. Structure frame and pipe supports are to be designed carefully to accommodate the piping and various equipment in the Plant.
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Piping Engineering refers to the detailed study of the feasibility of the piping system and execution of it to meet specific requirement as desired by the Owner. It calls the expertise from several fields ....
Good engineering practices are followed for successful completion of Project and we believe that is the basis of Project Management. Competitive performance is achieved using leadership with Clear vision,....